Ozunel, E. (2018). Selling Ice-cream to Eskimos: Can Communities Sustain without Sustainable Development Goals?. Islamic Studies On Human Rights And Democracy, 2, 105-126. Recuperado de http://ihrd.sbu.ac.ir/article_87114.html
Evrim OzunelSDG 1: No Poverty (ICH\_1379) Environment (THE\_65229) SDG 15: Life on Land (ICH\_1392) Justice and Strong Institutions (ICH\_1394) SDG 16: Peace SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth (ICH\_1386) Community participation (THE\_204) SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities (ICH\_1389) Tourism (THE\_202) Sustainable development (THE\_7357) Health (THE\_9) Türkiye (TR) Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe (ICH\_1230) SDG 14: Life below water (ICH\_1393) SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals (ICH\_1395) SDG 2: Zero Hunger (ICH\_1380) SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being (ICH\_1381) SDG 13: Climate Action (ICH\_1391) SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production (ICH\_1390) SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation (ICH\_1384)
Spennemann, D. Hr., & Graham, K. (2007). The importance of heritage preservation in natural disaster situations. International Journal Of Risk Assessment And Management, 7, 993-1001.
Dirk Spennemann Kristy GrahamEnvironment (THE\_65229) Community participation (THE\_204) Natural disasters (ICH\_1239) Emergency situations (ICH\_1333)
Lanier, D., & Reid, V. (2007). Whalers’ Shanties of Barouallie, St. Vincent: Observations on the Nature, Decline and Revival of a Unique Caribbean Maritime Tradition. Intangible Heritage, 69.
Daniel Lanier Vincent ReidEnvironment (THE\_65229) SDG 14: Life below water (ICH\_1393) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC)
Barbe, M. C. N. (2015). Délibérations sur le patrimoine culturel immatériel Une expérience participative dans le parc naturel régional des ballons des Vosges. Pour, 2, 59-65. https://doi.org/10.3917/pour.226.0059
Marina BarbeFrance (FR) Environment (THE\_65229) Community participation (THE\_204)
Barbe, M. C. N. (2015). Délibérations sur le patrimoine culturel immatériel Une expérience participative dans le parc naturel régional des ballons des Vosges. Pour, 2, 59-65. https://doi.org/10.3917/pour.226.0059
Marina BarbeFrance (FR) Environment (THE\_65229) Community participation (THE\_204)