Gueno, V. (2015). The historian in front of the conflict: Homs and the uprising. Revue Des Mondes Musulmans Et De La Mediterranee, 138, 97-116. (Original work published dec)
Vanessa Guenoheritage Analysis Homs Ottoman history Revolution Sources Tale
Ironside, R., & Massie, S. (2020). The folklore-centric gaze: a relational approach to landscape, folklore and tourism. Time \& Mind-The Journal Of Archaeology Consciousness And Culture, 13, 227-244. (Original work published jul)
Rachael Ironside Stewart MassieTourism heritage Folklore Landscape animism supernatural
Porcel, G. C. (2019). The hydraulic heritage in Chile: cultural and tourist consideration. Cuadernos De Turismo, 67-91. (Original work published dec)
Gregorio Porcelheritage Tourism Chile Water culture Hydraulic heritage
Rodriguez-Fernandez, J. E., Lorenzo-Moledo, M., Garcia-Alvarez, J., & Miguez-Salina, G. (2020). The Game of Skittles on the Northern Route of the Camino de Santiago. Frontiers In Psychology, 11. (Original work published dec)
Jose Rodriguez-Fernandez Mar Lorenzo-Moledo Jesus Garcia-Alvarez Gabriela Miguez-SalinaIntangible cultural heritage heritage Camino de Santiago Northern Camino pilgrimage skittles traditional sports games
Planells, A., Cibrián, R., Cerdá, S., Segura, J., Daumal, F., & Giménez, A. (2017). Virtual acoustics in heritage buildings: Accuracy degree of acoustic parameters in the simulation of the Basilica "Santa María d Elx. 2017-January. Institute of Noise Control Engineering. Recuperado de
A. Planells R. Cibrián S. Cerdá J. Segura F. Daumal A. Giménezheritage Simulation Acoustic noise Acoustic variables control Virtual acoustics Acoustic parameters Acoustic similarities Elastic waves Simulation algorithms Simulation technique
Gibson, K. (2013). Valuing living heritage. International Journal Of Social Sustainability In Economic, Social And Cultural Context, 8, 87-98.
K. Gibsonheritage UNESCO intangible heritage tradition valuation Tutankhamen
Dinh, P. Q. (2020). Visualized tradition and living heritage : Hanoi s architectural characteristics in paintings. 2020-September, 626-631. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Phuong Dinhheritage Art practice Visualization Conservation practices Viet Nam Built environment Hanoi architecture street paintings
Pietrobruno, S. (2018). YouTube flow and the transmission of heritage: The interplay of users, content, and algorithms. Convergence-The International Journal Of Research Into New Media Technologies, 24, 523-537. (Original work published dec)
Sheenagh Pietrobrunoheritage UNESCO Algorithms Youtube Culture Social media television flow users
Kamel-Ahmed, E. (2015). What to conserve?: Heritage, memory, and management of meanings. Archnet-Ijar International Journal Of Architectural Research, 9, 67-76. (Original work published mar)
Ehab Kamel-Ahmedheritage Conservation Intangible Tangible Memory Meaning-management
Beardslee, T. (2016). Whom does heritage empower, and whom does it silence? Intangible cultural heritage at the Jemaa el Fnaa, Marrakech. International Journal Of Heritage Studies, 22, 89-101. (Original work published feb)
Thomas Beardsleeheritage UNESCO Morocco Intangible Marrakech Economic and social development (THE\_5342) Morocco (MA) Community participation (THE\_204) Unintended outcomes (ICH\_1362) Diminishing participation (ICH\_1242)