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Christiane Brosius Axel Michaelscultural heritage Authenticity vernacular architecture community local participation urban area Nepal reconstruction Reconstruction Vernacular Bagmati central place theory Gorkha Earthquake Gorkha earthquake 2015 Heritage monuments Kathmandu Valley Lalitpur [Bagmati] Patan Placemaking
Saul, H., & Waterton, E. (2017). Heritage and communities of compassion in the aftermath of the great earthquake, Nepal: A photographic reflection. Journal Of Community Archaeology And Heritage, 4, 142-156.
H. Saul E. WatertonNepal World heritage compassion landscape of care resiliency
Saul, H., & Waterton, E. (2017). Heritage and communities of compassion in the aftermath of the great earthquake, Nepal: A photographic reflection. Journal Of Community Archaeology And Heritage, 4, 142-156.
H. Saul E. WatertonNepal World heritage compassion landscape of care resiliency
Sandholz, S. (2017). Heritage and Identities in Selected Urban Centres (pp. 135-318).
S SandholzIndonesia Brazil Urban regeneration Place attachment Comparative analysis Nepal Kathmandu Urban heritage Historic centre Heritage legislation Recife Yogyakarta
Moisala, P. (2019). Heritagization of Tamu music-from lived culture to heritage to be safe-guarded. Alternative-An International Journal Of Indigenous Peoples, 15, 321-329. (Original work published dec)
Pirkko MoisalaIntangible cultural heritage Nepal Gurung heritagization Internet as heritage site music as cultural heritage Tamu
Gminska-Nowak, B., & Wazny, T. (2020). Dendrochronological analysis of the ancient architecture of Kingdom of Lo. Upper Mustang, Nepal. Dendrochronologia, 61. (Original work published jun)
Barbara Gminska-Nowak Tomasz WaznyBuddhist architecture Carangidae Coniferophyta coniferous tree construction material dendroarchaeology dendrochronology Dhaulagiri Juniperus Kingdom of Lo Larix master chronology Mustang Nepal Pinus wallichiana Pinuswallichiana A.B. Jacks plant architecture timber tree ring Upper Mustang wood