Aykan, B. Whose Tradition, Whose Identity? The politics of constructing “Nevruz” as intangible heritage in Turkey. European Journal Of Turkish Studies. Recuperado de http://ejts.revues.org/5000
Bahar AykanLists of the 2003 Convention (ICH\_1331) Misappropriation (ICH\_1132) Cultural identity (THE\_382) Türkiye (TR)
Gilman, L. (2015). Demonic or cultural treasure?: Local perspectives on Vimbuza, intangible cultural heritage, and UNESCO in Malawi. Journal Of Folklore Research, 52, 199-216. https://doi.org/10.2979/jfolkrese.52.2-3.199 (Original work published dec)
Lisa GilmanSocial practices Lists of the 2003 Convention (ICH\_1331) Misappropriation (ICH\_1132) Inventorying (ICH\_1342) Community participation (THE\_204) rituals and festive events (ICH\_1229) Performing arts (ICH\_1228) Touristification (ICH\_1122) Health (THE\_9) Malawi (MW)