Radzuan, I. S. M., Fukami, N., & Ahmad, Y. (2015). Incentives for the conservation of traditional settlements: residents perception in Ainokura and Kawagoe, Japan. Journal Of Tourism And Cultural Change, 13, 301-329. https://doi.org/10.1080/14766825.2014.952302 (Original work published oct)
Indera Radzuan Naoko Fukami Yahaya Ahmadcultural heritage Japan cultural properties incentives programme traditional settlement
Radzuan, I. S. M., Fukami, N., & Ahmad, Y. (2015). Incentives for the conservation of traditional settlements: residents perception in Ainokura and Kawagoe, Japan. Journal Of Tourism And Cultural Change, 13, 301-329. https://doi.org/10.1080/14766825.2014.952302 (Original work published oct)
Indera Radzuan Naoko Fukami Yahaya Ahmadcultural heritage Japan cultural properties incentives programme traditional settlement