Suvcane, B., & Ernstreits, V. (2018). Chasing Livonian heritage on the Livonian Coast. Eesti Ja Soome-Ugri Keeleteaduse Ajakiri-Journal Of Estonian And Finno-Ugric Linguistics, 9, 109-128.
Baiba Suvcane Valts ErnstreitsIn 2018 Livonian but their quality should be improved. Though the Latvian State Language Law states that Livonian and Latvian names can be used together on the Livonian Coast especially Livonian language intangible heritage language documentation language environment linguistic landscape no official bilingual signs exist. Tourism business operators rarely use Livonian heritage in their offerings. Community organisations have been more active in this regard. At their events on the Livonian Coast. Currently one can become acquainted with the cultural heritage of this region and hear Livonian the Livonian cultural space was added to the Latvian National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage this territory is not visually demarcated and is divided among three local governments. This split also can be seen in the display of information. Signs and displays use Livonian