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Mostrando 631 - 640 de 1987
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Heritage conservation roadmap for the historic city of Medan, Indonesia 2020 Isnen Fitri, Ratna, Amy Marisa, Rudolf Sitorus, IOP Publishing
Heritage resources as a driver for cultural tourism in Nigeria 2020 Ngozi Ezenagu Cogent Arts and Humanities
Heritage-Lah! A Legacy of a Few Wor(l)ds in Peninsular Malaysia a 2020 Pierpaolo De Giosa Moussons-Recherche en Sciences Humaines Sur L Asie du Sud-Est
Guardianas y creadoras. Las mujeres en el Inventario de Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Comunidad de Madrid 2020 Paz Fernández
Words Matter... The Arsenal and the Repertoire: UNESCO, ICOM and European Frameworks 2020 Marc Jacobs Volkskunde
Vernacular Study-Paul Serruys’s folklore research in China- 2020 Yue Yongyi
Use of AR interaction principles for product design research— Using China s Yunnan Pu er Tea Product Design as an Example 2020 Zhao Jian, Pan Younghwan Journal of Digital Contents Society
How (Un)Aware are Young People in Serbia and the Diaspora of Serbia s Intangible Cultural Heritage? 2020 Dragana Antonijevic, Milos Rasic, Ana Grubisic Etnoantropoloski Problemi-Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology
How Is Intangible Cultural Heritage Valued in the Eyes of Inheritors? Scale Development and Validation 2020 Su Xinwei, Li Xi, Wu Yanbin, Yao Limei Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
In Rural Villages and the Suburbs Italian Experiences with Museums and Ecomuseums 2020 Valentina Zingari, Pietro Clemente, Tommaso Lussu, Alessandra Broccolini, Claudio Gnessi Volkskunde