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Mostrando 1551 - 1560 de 1987
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Título Año de publicación Sort ascending Autor/a Revista / Editorial
The form and content of children s poetry and games on a kaleidoscopic cultural terrain 2013 T. Nyoni, M. Nyoni Theory and Practice in Language Studies
The Impact of the Myths in the Saltukname on the Contemporary Oral Culture 2013 Ali Alptekin Milli Folklor
Seeing Defensive Protection on Intangible Cultural Heritage Trademark from the Case "Great Grand Madam Xian" 2013 Jiashan Li
Sensory experience in architectural memory: transformation of industrial buildings 2013 Mads Danielsen
Slovenia celebrates the 10th anniversary of the unesco convention for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage 2013 A. Jerin Glasnik SED
Sepúlveda (Segovia) y sus iglesias: un patrimonio inmaterial 2013 Antonio Conde
Sasón y sabor en el suroriente colombiano: Amazonas y Orinoco 2013 Astrid Prieto Comunicación, cultura y política
How to develop Intangible Heritage: the case of Metolong Dam, Lesotho 2013 Luiseach Eoin, Rachel King World Archaeology
History, memory and culture of indentured migrants: A comparative perspective 2013 A. Kumar, R.N. Tiwari Man in India
How participatory is participatory heritage management? the politics of safeguarding the Alevi Semah ritual as intangible heritage 2013 B. Aykan International Journal of Cultural Property