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Mostrando 1391 - 1400 de 1987
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La alimentación en los medios de comunicación escritos 2015 María Sevilla
Valle de Ollo / Ollaran 2015 Patxi. Zaratiegi Euskera: Euskaltzaindiaren lan eta agiriak
The Digitalization of Chinese Paper-Cut: Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Culture Communication 2015 Junxi Chen, Desheng Lyu
The Evaluation of Tourism Exploitation Potentiality of Intangible Cultural Heritage Based On Two Stages Grey Synthetic Model 2015 Zhan Hui-bin, Liu Si-feng, Zhao Ziyun
The Historical and Cultural Features of Rural Landscape-Taking Beijing as an Example 2015 Yuan Liu, Xiaoyan Ma
The hidden city. Toledo, a transmedia communication laboratory 2015 Moreno Sánchez, A.A. Newball Opcion
The effects of safeguarding on ways to organize, produce and reproduce intangible cultural heritage 2015 Marina de Figueiredo Pasos: Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural
The historian in front of the conflict: Homs and the uprising 2015 Vanessa Gueno Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Mediterranee
The Economic Imperative of UNESCO Recognition: A South Korean Shamanic Ritual 2015 Kyoim Yun journal of Folklore Research
Smart Devices for Intangible Cultural Heritage Fruition 2015 Alessandro Pozzebon, Silvia Calamai