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Changes of Transmission Knowledge of Weaving Hansan Mosi 2015 Noh Mi Asian Comparative Folklore
Center for conservation of the intangible cultural heritage in Slavonia, Baranya and Syrmia 2015 Emina Kolar, Maja Cobovic, Vjekoslav Galzina
Chu Artistic Characteristics of the Yangxin Cloth Patching in Hubei Province and Its Inheritance and Development 2015 Chong-Rong Liu
Chinese folklore since the late 1970s: Achievements, difficulties, and challenges 2015 A. Deming, Y. Lihui Asian Ethnology
Chinese shadow play simulation based on volume visualization 2015 S. Wang, J. Tan Xitong Fangzhen Xuebao / Journal of System Simulation
Chorographing the vanuatu aquapelago engaging with performatively constituted specificities of place 2015 Thomas Dick Shima-The International Journal Of Research Into Island Cultures
Chinese Shadow Puppetry s Changing Apprentice System: Questions of Continuance and a Survey of Remaining Shadow Puppet Practitioners in Mainland China, 2008-2013 2015 Annie Rollins Asian Theatre Journal
Cicerones De La Universidad De Córdoba, Una Experiencia Pedagógica Vinculada A La Fiesta De Los Patios 2015 Rocío Muñoz Benito International journal of scientific management and tourism
Ciudad Colonial de Santo Domingo, Primada de América. Estado de la cuestión del patrimonio cultural 2015 Marlyn Cruz Matos Ara: journal of tourism research = revista de investigación en turismo
Con la cámara a cuestas: una experiencia integradora en Sala Rekalde 2015 Eztizen Esesumaga