
This paper is a study on the necessity of enacting Gyeonggi-do local Self-government Ordinance on intangible cultural heritage protection and on the future direction for enactment.We study the importance of protecting intangible cultural heritages by observing the upper laws, Cultural heritage protection act and Act on promotion and protection of intangible cultural heritage, as well as UNESCO Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage. We claim the necessity of enacting Gyeonggi-do local Self-government Ordinance on intangible cultural heritage protection to discovering and utilizing intangible cultural heritages in Gyeonggi-do.Then we suggest the future direction of Gyeonggi-do local Self-government Ordinance on intangible cultural heritage protection. We compared the revised Cultural heritage protection act with old act, and examine Act on promotion and protection of intangible cultural heritages. We discuss recording intangible cultural heritages, managing intangible cultural heritage expertises and conservation organizations, and promoting applications of intangible cultural heritages in Gyeonggi-do.Also, we discuss which intangible cultural heritages will be recorded and should be open to the public, to help enacting Gyeonggi-do local Self-government Ordinance on intangible cultural heritage protection. We emphasize on fostering experts who can discover, research and record intangible cultural heritages. We also propose the necessity of managing documentaries on inheriting intangible cultural heritages from expertises to successors and on evaluating intangible cultural heritages, and the necessity of opening intangible cultural heritage to the public. We also claim to keep experts to departments related to intangible cultural heritages.

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Revista académica
The Journal of Art and Culture Studies
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