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A Research on the Folklore Culture Tourism Maket Development Strategy of Poverty-stricken Counties-Taking Xinhua County of Hunan Province as a Case 2013 Qiuni Sun
A Study of the Developmental Process and Characters in Korean Juvenile Novel 2013 Choimi -Sun Korea Children s Literature
A study on the Interrelationship between National Intangible Cultural Heritage programme and the Unity of Modern China : Focusing on the Ritual of Han Ethnic Group s Mythology 2013 Jung sun Chinese Literature
A Study on the Acoustic Characteristics of the Pansori by Voice Signals Analysis 2013 HyunSook Kim Journal of Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
A Study on the Acoustic Characteristics of the Pansori by Voice Signals Analysis 2013 HyunSook Kim Journal of Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
A Study on the Development of Metadata Elements for Intangible Cultural Heritage Records Based on FRBR 2013 Kim Soojung, Yong Kim Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management
A Study on the Acoustic Characteristics of the Pansori by Voice Signals Analysis 2013 HyunSook Kim Journal of Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
A Study on History and Archetype Technology of Goli-su in Korea 2013 Kim Young-ran Mun Hwa Jae - Annual Review in Cultural Heritage Studies
Breaking the duality: The Historical Peninsula of Istanbul as an open-air museum 2013 S. Durhan, Y. Özgüven Journal of Cultural Heritage
Browsing and searching UNESCO intangible heritage on the web: Two ways 2013 M.T. Artese, I. Gagliardi