
Chieira, it’s the local term used to point out, vanity, pride and haughtiness of the Vianesa woman. It represents the attitude of the woman of Viana when she is on parade and has the city for her owne. Punctum, the detail, the moment, the “detail that fullfils the picture”, a kind of out fild, subtle, as if the image would throw the wish beyond of what is there to see”, the ability of understanding of punctum resides in the revelation of the picture. The presente thesis is about image on a context identified – Viana do Castelo – and it’s existence as a visual universe, empowered in the relationship between contemporaneous criativity and the tradition and popular culture of the local territory. The existance of the Place by its genius loci is absolutely crucial in the structuring of its rich intangible cultural heritage that the traditions incorporate and exponentiate as a model of interpretation and visibility of history of its people. The contemporaneity as a concept, implicit in the many activities developed where criativity is influenced by tradition, assumes a paradigma that interconects art and crafts and builds the cultural identity given by the image. Adding, to this study, an innovative point, relevant, but indeed very interesting – the image design also as an enhancer factor to the level of sustainable development strategies. It is objective to assess the existance of an image which identifies Viana do Castelo, with acknowledgment of the visual culture of the territory above identified and the evidence of that image. The methodology faces a holistic vision as part of the investigation paradigma and proposes an application of the method of analisys by triangulation, appliying an qualitative and quantitative analisys and presents a theoretical component which is fundamental to the Investigative scientificity. The elaboration of a questionnaire is preponderant in the development of the investigation and data analysis whose results contribute to the validation of the hypotesis and consequent 50 answer to the thesis question, which the imaging Atlas exercise, allows you to do, with the contribution and validation to the knowledge of the local reality. The organizational structure of research, operates in different acts at different levels. Theoretical bibliographic component, corresponds to the “tecnical data collection” and relevant bibliography. Practical component, corresponds to the researcher s exercise objectively centered on the hypotheses of the theoric development and in search of answer(s), is based on practice. The work is structured in five blocks: Part 1: general theorical component Part 2: specific theorical component Part 3: case study paradigma – methodological triangulation Part 4. My practice in materializing the object of study.

Year of Publication
Universidade de Vigo
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