
The purpose of this paper is to propose the way to develop and invigorate the traditional cultural contents, especially using digital media in public space, for the value increase of traditional culture by using digital media in a global viewpoint.At first, this paper covers from the understanding the basic characteristics of digital media including the interaction of ‘participation’ and ‘immersion’ to the necessity of making digital contents of traditional culture and characteristics of media. Typical examples of public digital traditional cultural contents (museum, gallery, exhibit) are selected and collected, which provide self-experiencing interactivities. And study on invigoration method in the 3 kind of viewpoint - space and facility; content; strategy and policy- is included in this paper.In conclusion, public digital media should be expanded from the area that has large moving population including foreigners such as government office and airport. Not only tangible but also intangible cultural heritage should be developed as self-experiencing contents and should be supplied by securing contents based on original culture digitization service. And contents which are exactly differentiated from similar culture of the adjacent nations should be developed via establishing simple and intuitive process of content composition. Furthermore conclusion is that continuous interest and support of companies about traditional culture should be induced via extensive support and co-work about cultural strategic ‘Han-style’ and financial procure and support for commercially purposed application of public digital media and giving benefits at a government level for example tax reduction.In short, development and invigoration of traditional cultural contents through public digital media will be the chance to establish people’s traditional value and identity and to promote the Korean traditional culture which is differentiated in the globalization and to enhance the national brand image, and furthermore will contribute to the economical growth throughout the cultural industry.

Year of Publication
Journal of the Korean Society of Design Culture
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