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Abstract |
Pansori is our traditional vocal sound, originality and excellence in the art of conversation, gesture general became a globally recognized world intangible heritage. Especially, Pansori as shrews and humorous representation of audience participation with a high degree of artistic value and enjoy the arts throughout all layers to be responsible for the social integration of functions is evaluated. Therefore, in this paper, Pansori five yard target speech signal analysis techniques applied to analyze the Pansori acoustic features of a representation of a society and era correlation extraction studies were performed. Pansori on the five yard spectrogram, pitch, stability and strength analysis for this experiment. Pansori through experimental results Comical story while keeping the audience focused and interested to better reflect the characteristics of energy for the wave of voice and vocal cord tremor change the width of a large, stable and voice with a loud voice, that expresses were analyzed. |
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Journal of Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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