
The purpose of this study is to investigate the background and cause of the Ozan-Baksi tradition, a prestigious Turkic art tradition, replaced by Asiq art in the Middle Ages of the Oguz Turks. Also, it investigates what kind of differences exist between Anatolia and Azerbaijan, and what causes the differences. In addition, in Azerbaijan, a school was formed centering on the region, and the background and characteristics of its formation will be noted.Asiq art was born as an alternative art that replaced the Ozan tradition when Islam was accepted and Sufism began to blossom.However, it was divided into two categories according to the origin.Sufi-Asiq was born in Sufi Monasteries, and Azerbaijani Asiq is mostly from Sufi origin. In Anatolia, former Ozans are often influenced by the Sufi-Asiq tradition. Of course, the two groups show differences in their singing method and performance style.Asiq art, once performed by religious and spiritual leaders and practitioners began to be performed by music-performing artists. In the early days, it started out as urban art. Because of Asiq missionary activities, Asiq culture spread from urban areas to rural villages. However, the frustrations and political backgrounds surrounding Azerbaijani history have created many cultural differences between regions. As a result, local groups were formed accordingly. Still, in academia, the error of defining a "local/regional group" as simply a "school" has been made. However, several schools coexist in the same region, and the formation of regional sects is due to cultural differences caused by geopolitical isolation. Therefore, it would be appropriate to define it as a "local/regional school".As the "local/regional school" formed by the Azerbaijani Asiq art is the main stream of the Turkic ethnic cultural system, it is very important to focus on their characteristics and conduct detailed analysis. A more systematic academic interest and research is needed on the art environment of the school whose function is suspended or discontinued.

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