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Abstract |
In the text we present an overview of the most important dialectological projects which are realised in the Ludovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, as well as of future scientific research and its perspectives. The research of geographical dialects follows on values and material database built during the processing of Atlas slovenských nárečí (Atlas of the Slovak Dialects). Slovak dialectologists participate on international projects of multilingual atlases: Slovanský jazykový atlas (Slavic Linguistic Atlas), Celokarpatský dialektologický atlas (Carpathian Dialectological Atlas), Európsky jazykový atlas (European Linguisic Atlas). Description of dialect lexicon is processed in a multivolume Slovník slovenských nárečí (Dictionary of Slovak Dialects). An important part of the research consist in electronisation and following digitalisation of data with a goal to make the intangible cultural heritage preserved in scientific archives available for wider professional and cultural public. |
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Slovenska Rec
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ISSN Number |
00376981 (ISSN)
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