
This work analyzes the contemporary perspective of the tourist view on the cultural identity of the Quilombola Community Dona Juscelina. The research aimed to investigate the representations of the intangible heritage of the community through the Abolition Festival, and also identify the perception of social actors involved in the celebration: tourists, masters and organizers, focusing on the tourist perspective about the quilombola heritage. The research was located in the quilombola community, which is urban, as it is still fighting for the ancestral territory located in the city of Muricilandia - TO. It was carried out in two phases, started in October 2018 and was concluded the following year during the Festival. The first phase questionnaires were applied to the organizers and the Masters of local culture, whereas the second phase was held in May 2019 when questionnaires were applied to tourists who attended the celebration. As a result it was found that the quilombola community and the Abolition Festival have great potential for cultural tourism, as it has been observed a latent tourist flow and a rich collection of cultural representations, with potential for a participatory community planning process that expands other cultural tourism products in the community.

Year of Publication
Cultur: Revista de Cultura e Turismo
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