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I. Schellnack-Kellyheritage Climate change indigenous knowledge Sustainable development Oral history Archivists
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P.H. Reid E. Pirie R. Ironsideheritage storytelling Scotland narratives
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S. Asif S. Singhheritage Memory architecture Muslim women partition precarity
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H. Janseheritage UNESCO Human rights gender tradition convention discrimination equality
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J. Carrheritage UNESCO dance Embodiment
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Sara McDowellheritage Conflict Transformation Northern Ireland Political Tourism
Boswell, R. (2008). Scents of identity: Fragrance as heritage in Zanzibar. Journal Of Contemporary African Studies, 26, 295-311.
R. Boswellcultural heritage heritage UNESCO World heritage site Tanzania Africa Islamism identity construction Sub-Saharan Africa East Africa Fragrance Islam and culture nongovernmental organization Zanzibar Zanzibar Island United Republic of Tanzania (TZ)
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Ray Sumnercultural heritage heritage indigenous population Memory National identity Australia ethnicity identity construction cultural history big science Einstein lost geography solar eclipse 1922 Wallal
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Bernard Debarbieux Chiara Bortolotto Hervé Munz Cecilia Razianoheritage alpinism falconry Scale sharedness transnationalism UNESCO flamenco