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Tongpaeng, Y., Rattanakhum, M., Sureephong, P., & Wicha, S. (2017). Implementing a Tool for Translating Dance Notation to Display in 3D Animation: A Case Study of Traditional Thai Dance. 10351 LNCS, 22-26. Springer Verlag.
Yootthapong Tongpaeng Mongkhol Rattanakhum Pradorn Sureephong Satichai WichaIntangible cultural heritage Intangible cultural heritages History Translation (languages) Animation Intelligent systems Labanotations Labanotation Archive knowledge Dance notation Dance notations Hand and fingers movement Traditional thai dance Translate
Tongpaeng, Y., Rattanakhum, M., Sureephong, P., & Wicha, S. (2017). Implementing a Tool for Translating Dance Notation to Display in 3D Animation: A Case Study of Traditional Thai Dance. 10351 LNCS, 22-26. Springer Verlag.
Yootthapong Tongpaeng Mongkhol Rattanakhum Pradorn Sureephong Satichai WichaIntangible cultural heritage Intangible cultural heritages History Translation (languages) Animation Intelligent systems Labanotations Labanotation Archive knowledge Dance notation Dance notations Hand and fingers movement Traditional thai dance Translate