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Khanom, S., Moyle, B., Scott, N., & Kennelly, M. (2019). Host-guest authentication of intangible cultural heritage: a literature review and conceptual model. Journal Of Heritage Tourism, 14, 396-408. (Original work published nov)
Shahida Khanom Brent Moyle Noel Scott Millicent KennellyIntangible cultural heritage community empowerment Authenticity ICH tourism mutual authentication
Riyami, H. A., Almuhrzi, H., & Scott, N. (2022). Heritage hotel experiences in Nizwa, Oman. International Journal Of Tourism Research, 24, 169-180. (Original work published jan)
Hafidh Riyami Hamed Almuhrzi Noel Scottcultural heritage tourism development entrepreneur hotel industry Oman state role tourism management tourist destination
Khanom, S., Moyle, B., Scott, N., & Kennelly, M. (2019). Host-guest authentication of intangible cultural heritage: a literature review and conceptual model. Journal Of Heritage Tourism, 14, 396-408. (Original work published nov)
Shahida Khanom Brent Moyle Noel Scott Millicent KennellyIntangible cultural heritage community empowerment Authenticity ICH tourism mutual authentication