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Mostrando 61 - 70 de 1987
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Religious Ambiguity, ICH, and Mulian Performances in Contemporary Huizhou, China 2023 Wei Liu CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature
The Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage and China's Good Governance: A Case Study of Ruili's Tai Pottery 2023 Haosheng Duan Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies
Scientific fields transfer heritage knowledge: Knowledge management of heritage communication 2023 Ferenc Kiss
Aceh Traditional Culinary Kuah Pliek U: How it Sustains Eco-Lexicon Diversity 2023 Zurriyati, Yuliza, T Zulfikar, AB Perangin-Angin Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun
The Heritage Gastronomic Tourist Routes a Necessary Approach Regarding the Birth Ofjagua's Route in Cienfuego's City 2023 RDQ Cabrera, SDS Marchan Revista Conrado
Safeguarding language as intangible cultural heritage 2023 N Braber, Howard V International Journal of Intangible Heritage
The Global Competition of the Intangible. UNESCO as a Producer of Heritage Brands 2023 B Santamarina Heritage and Society
Protection of Biocultural Heritage in the Anthropocene: Towards Reconciling Natural, Cultural, Tangible and Intangible Heritage 2023 HV Bhati, Y Epstein Journal of Environmental Law
Scope and limitations of heritage-based resilience: some reflections from Nepal 2023 N.K. Chapagain Built Heritage
The Slave Route in Extremadura: A Recovery of the forgotten Heritage 2023 M.Á. Ronco Revista Espanola de Educacion Comparada