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Mostrando 1131 - 1140 de 1987
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Heritage Construction: the Mobilization of the Collective Memory in Mining towns in Coahuila, Mexico 2017 Camilo Delgado Intervencion-Revista Internacional de Conservacion Restauracion y Museologia
Heritage, tourism and development: a study on the rise of Saint Sebastian in Olivenca, Ilheus-Bahia. 2017 L. Oliveira, L. Trigo Cultur: Revista de Cultura e Turismo
Heritage and communities of compassion in the aftermath of the great earthquake, Nepal: A photographic reflection 2017 H. Saul, E. Waterton Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage
Herramientas digitales y virtuales para la difusión del patrimonio inmaterial de Fontilles 2017 Jorge Verdú, Jorge Piqueras, Eduardo Llópez
Hacer accesible el patrimonio inmaterial: El proyecto del Museu Oral d’Agost 2017 Jesús Blanes, Toñi Abril
Visual Analysis of Han Embroidery 2017 Ni Zhang
Wayang Robot with Gamelan Music Pattern Recognition 2017 Tito Tomo, Alexander Schmitz, Guillermo Enriquez, Shuji Hashimoto, Shigeki Sugano Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics
Implementation of Service Design on Innovation Development of Traditional Handicraft: A Case Study of Yongchun Lacquered Basket 2017 Yan Wu, Li-Yu Chen, Lei Ren
Hubei Drum and Its Further Development from the Perspective of Intangible Cultural Heritage 2017 Laimin Zhang
Implementing a Tool for Translating Dance Notation to Display in 3D Animation: A Case Study of Traditional Thai Dance 2017 Yootthapong Tongpaeng, Mongkhol Rattanakhum, Pradorn Sureephong, Satichai Wicha