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Título Año de publicación Trier par ordre croissant Autor/a Revista / Editorial
A Study on the cases and Limit of Regional Storytelling - Focused on Jeonbuk provincial region - 2018 Junghoon Lee
A Study on Origin Taekwondo of Moodukwan - Academic Review and Reflective Criticism of Taekwondo - 2018 Song Hun, jong-kil kim The Korean Journal of Sport
A quantitative approach to UNESCO’S intangible cultural heritage lists: Criticism and suggestions 2018 N. Baykal Milli Folklor
A Study of Folklore as an Intangible Heritage Model and "Oral Tradition and Expression" -Focusing on the Intangible Heritage City Project of the Year- 2018 Junghoon Lee Journal of Korean Oral Literature
A quantitative approach to UNESCO’S intangible cultural heritage lists: Criticism and suggestions 2018 N. Baykal Milli Folklor
A Study of Folklore as an Intangible Heritage Model and "Oral Tradition and Expression" -Focusing on the Intangible Heritage City Project of the Year- 2018 Junghoon Lee Journal of Korean Oral Literature
A quantitative approach to UNESCO’S intangible cultural heritage lists: Criticism and suggestions 2018 N. Baykal Milli Folklor
A research on gastronomy tourism and Cyprus street flavors. 2018 M. Cavusoglu, O. Cavusoglu Guncel Turizm Arastirmalari Dergisi
A research on transformation process of Erzurum lavash (acem) bread as intangible cultural heritage into touristic product. 2018 N. Cetinkaya, S. Yildiz Guncel Turizm Arastirmalari Dergisi
A Lo Cubano: Commodification of dance and representations of Cubanness in the context of cultural tourism 2018 R. Ana Lud