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Título Año de publicación Trier par ordre croissant Autor/a Revista / Editorial
Cancionero popular infantil: del texto oral al texto escrito.Estudio literario y aplicaciones didácticas 2010 César Sánchez Ortiz
Cemetery and heritage - the background of a case study 2010 L. Bassa, F. Kiss
Cemeteries as Cultural Landscape: Solutions for Revival of the Iranian Cemeteries 2010 Farshad Kazerooni, Mohsen Faizi, Mehdi Sheibani
Chili: Littérature de jeunesse: Initiation à la lecture et transmission du folklore aux enfants dans les récits courts de Floridor Pérez Lavín 2010 Cécile-Alice Jouannaux Romanitas, lenguas y literaturas romances
¿Qué enseñanzas y conocimientos nos transmiten los cuentos populares de tradición oral? 2009 Enrique Barcia Mendo
...de mitos y cuentos de hadas 2009 Mónica Steenbock Anuario de letras modernas
2007 Barcelona Declaration On The Mediterranean Diet As Intangible Cultural Heritage 2009 VV AA Public Health Nutrition
A Study on the Use of Contents of Local Cultural Heritage-Focused on the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Honam Region- 2009 Lee sun
A Study on the Values and Meanings of Sancheondan in Jeju As Shrine Garden and Sacred Grove 2009 Jae-Hyun Rho, Sang-Beom Kim Journal of Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
A study on Transmission and Preservation of Children’s Play as Intangible Heritage 2009 Sik Jang