01214nas a2200121 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260010000043100001900143245006100162856006000223520080900283 2015 d c2015///bMurcia : Consejería de Cultura y Educación, Instituto de Patrimonio Histórico, 20211 aMaría Sevilla00aLa alimentación en los medios de comunicación escritos uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/tesis?codigo=1328383 a1he Game of skittles is internalized internalized by the inhabitants of the Huerta de Murcia as part of their identity, as a testimony of an immemorial practice in which dexterity, strength and precision are promoted, with halls and skittles that are worked with the lathe, in an artisanal way. It is, therefore, a cultural, relevan! and ethnological manif estation that was once practiced as a collective experience on the lanes and in the open air, with an undoubted regenerative and social ejfect. 1he orchard game of skittles, is part of the intangible cultural heritage of the Region of Murcia and constitutes its traditional ancestral sport, they are a legacy, transmitted century after century by oral tradition, which have been adapted to the rules of modern sport, without lose your own essence.