01695nas a2200277 4500000000100000000000100001000000100002008004100003260000800044653002400052653001900076653002100095653001500116653002400131653001800155653003300173100001700206700002400223700001900247245006500266856014300331300000900474490000600483520090800489022002001397 2020 d cjun10aintangible heritage10aVirtual museum10aDigital heritage10aMultimedia10aInteractive devices10aAncient Egypt10aCultural heritage exhibition1 aLaura Micoli1 aGiandomenico Caruso1 aGabriele Guidi00aDesign of Digital Interaction for Complex Museum Collections uhttps://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85086947236&doi=10.3390%2fmti4020031&partnerID=40&md5=217bde7a9bd83b2ac4d4f02db36c5c71 a1-200 v43 aInteractive multimedia applications in museums generally aim at integrating into the exhibition complementary information delivered through engaging narratives. This article discusses a possible approach for effectively designing an interactive app for museum collections whose physical pieces are mutually related by multiple and articulated logical interconnections referring to elements of immaterial cultural heritage that would not be easy to bring to the public with traditional means. As proof of this concept, a specific case related to ancient Egyptian civilization has been developed. A collection of Egyptian artifacts such as mummies, coffins, and amulets, associated with symbols, divinities, and magic spells through the structured funerary ritual typical of that civilization, has been explained through a virtual application based on the concepts discussed in the methodological section. a24144088 (ISSN)