01814nas a2200229 4500000000100000000000100001000000100002008004100003260000800044653003300052653001800085653002200103653003000125653003300155100001700188245009800205856015400303300001200457490000700469520108800476022002001564 2021 d cjan10aIntangible cultural heritage10acentral China10adesign and crafts10adesign for sustainability10atraditional making practices1 aWanlin Zhang00aDesign for the Sustainment of Traditional Making Practices: A Research Study in Central China uhttps://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85095743835&doi=10.1080%2f14606925.2020.1835232&partnerID=40&md5=e31b6697f25088997ef1b55694129185 a137-1470 v243 aOVERVIEW: Central China is a rich multi-cultural and multi-religious region with many traditional making practices. In recent decades, however, rapid economic growth and urban development has created severe challenges for these practices. This research presents a case study based discussion, that was conducted in this region to investigate the opportunities and challenges for sustaining local traditions. In particular, for identifying areas where design could make a constructive contribution in ways that accord with contemporary understandings of design for sustainability. The research study employed qualitative forms of investigation, including desk-based theoretical research on crafts and design for sustainability and on traditional making practices within a Chinese context. Initial analysis of primary and secondary data suggests that design’s contributions might not be solely related to new product development but also in related areas such as marketing, branding and packaging design. In addition, some concerns have been identified in relation to sustainability. a14606925 (ISSN)