01369nas a2200205 4500000000100000000000100001000000100002008004100003260000800044653003400052653001700086653002400103100002300127245007700150856015400227300001000381490000700391520074500398022002001143 2017 d cjan10aDifficult intangible heritage10ahomelessness10aincidental heritage1 aChristine McCarthy00aIncidental heritage: difficult intangible heritages as collateral damage uhttps://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84988380575&doi=10.1080%2f13527258.2016.1232744&partnerID=40&md5=a421e304715bfc557acbc3cb6034cc72 a52-640 v233 aWithin the context of ‘negative’ and ‘intangible heritage,’ this paper explores Burström and Gelderblom’s proposition of ‘difficult heritage,’ with respect to Bückeberg, the site of the Third Reich Harvest Festival, as a site where collective moments of cultural shame occur. The paper then considers homelessness within this theoretical framework to ask whether those aspects of our inherited and contemporary culture, which are difficult and culturally shameful, are able to be accommodated within the framework of intangible heritage. It proposes homelessness as difficult intangible heritage which is produced as ‘collateral damage,’ an indirect byproduct of other pro-active cultural processes and community values. a13527258 (ISSN)