01757nas a2200217 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002653003300043653001600076653001900092653001300111653001100124100001000135700000700145245009300152856011800245300001200363490000700375520114300382022001401525 2024 d10aIntangible cultural heritage10aconvergence10aDigitalization10aPlatform10a湘绣1 aCheng1 aOh00aConservation and Succesion of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage In the E-Commerce Era uhttps://www.kci.go.kr/kciportal/ci/sereArticleSearch/ciSereArtiView.kci?sereArticleSearchBean.artiId=ART003109125 a345-3600 v873 aChina s non-material cultural heritage has a long history and abundant cultural value, and is very valuable as a cultural asset representing the country s identity.Digitalization due to the Fourth Industrial Revolution is changing throughout the Chinese cultural industry, and non-material cultural heritage is also presenting various convergence models through digitalization in protection and succession.As an example in this study, the ‘湘绣(xiang xiu)’ representing Hunan Province is used as an important resource for supporting and revitalizing the local economy. In particular, it is pursuing changes in the sales channel of traditional Chinese handicrafts through platforming, and a new strategy was proposed for the protection and succession of traditional art. The development of Hunan Province s ‘湘绣(xiang xiu)’ through the platform is expected to have a positive impact on revitalizing the local economy along with a new business model using traditional resources. Furthermore, the platforming of Chinese non-material cultural heritage will continue to create innovative values through convergence and creativity. a1225-3499