01208nas a2200169 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260000800043100001400051700002000065700002000085245008300105300001200188490000600200520081800206022001401024 2017 d cmay1 aAbraham y1 aFernando Escoto1 aFrederic Duhart00aChapingo Cheese: its institutional recognition as intangible cultural heritage a136-1470 v43 aChapingo Cheese is one of the authentic Mexican cheeses. It is produced in its current form for exactly forty years and predecessors can be identified from the beginning of the 20th century. Chapingo Cheese is produced in a particular context: it is processed in the dairy training unit of a university. This uncommon characteristic gives a special interest to its current process of heritagization within the framework of a reflection on claimed-origin products. Chapingo Cheese not only provides an opportunity to think about the heritage construction processes and their possible benefits, but also invites to reflect on the participation of a food in the development of a collective identity essentially based on a relationship with an institution, and not on a geographical location: the "being chapinguero". a0719-4994