00906nas a2200121 4500000000100000008004100001100001200042700001300054245007400067300001200141520060900153020002200762 2007 d1 aY. Wang1 aL. Zheng00aCase study of innovative design based on intangible cultural heritage a377-3803 aThe paper starts from the introduction of the intangible cultural heritage and demonstrates the importance of protecting it. The key of protection is human being. Then the paper applies the intangible cultural heritage to innovation design and has a conclusion that there are four categories of application, namely, the application of visual symbol, the application of traditional festivals and folk custom to leisure products, the application of folk music and traditional operas with cyber methods, and the application of folklores to tour products. Finally, it was illustrated by four design examples. a978-988-99684-4-1