01405nas a2200133 4500000000100000008004100001100001600042700001600058245014600074300001000220490000700230520102000237022001401257 2014 d1 aSangtae Kim1 aSim Yeon-Ok00aA Suggestion on the Exhibition Space Planning of Hansanmosi Museum in Seocheon by Inscription on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List a23-320 v463 aThe weaving of Mosi(fine ramie) in the Hansan region was inscribed on the representative list of the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage in 2011. For transmission and utilization of Hansan Mosi Mosi Town was created in Hansan-myeon, Seocheon-gun in 1996 and Hansan Mosi Museum was established to let people know the excellence and historicity of Hansan Mosi. However, problems on exhibit contents such as lack of historical research, incompact exhibit composition, reckless items using Hansan Mosi, abuse of patchwork cloth and excessive use of mannequin were derived from this study. In the case of public information hall, problems on architectural planning such as lack of diverse spaces caused by space use focused on experiential activities, matters of illuminance and ventilation, excessive use of interior color and ill-considered space composition caused by repurposed space were derived. Thus through the thoughtful study on Hansan Mosi, I am proposing New exhibition space planning of Hansan Mosi Museum. a1738-818X