01732nas a2200121 4500000000100000008004100001100001600042245009900058300001200157490000700169520142000176022001401596 2017 d1 aSungsil Cho00aA Study on the Characteristics of Cultural Spaces associated with Intangible Cultural Heritage a155-1860 v303 aThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the ‘cultural spaces’ which is part of UNESCO-registered intangible cultural heritage (from now on ICH)and to suggest Korean cultural spaces associated with ICH. UNESCO said “The intangible cultural heritage means the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills-as well as the instruments, objects, artefacts and cultural spaces associated therewith-that communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals recognize as part of their cultural heritage.” ICH-related to space is physical place to practice transmission of cultural heritages and areas of life handed down from generation to generation.In the process of ICH descended up to this day, it has been changed or reinvented into modern ones sometimes. The cultural space associated with ICH is flexible and has characteristics of blurred boundaries by comparison with tangible cultural heritages:historic sites, archaeological sites and groups of traditional buildings etc.This paper introduces five cases of cultural spaces with respect to ICH in Jeonbuk province, Korea. This research proposes lists which are traditional markets, a wash place, two traditional villages and senior citizen community. If cultural spaces are missed, cultural heritages also will become extinct. That is why it is essential that the cultural space should be a top priority of ICH protection and transmission. a1975-5740