01394nas a2200133 4500000000100000008004100001260001200042100001600054700002800070245009900098856006200197520098700259020001401246 2020 d c2020///1 aJuan Muñoz1 aFrancisco Checa y Olmos00aAnálisis tipológico de las construcciones tradicionales de piedra seca en Almería (España) uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=76131923 aThe province of Almería (Spain) hosts a wide range of constructive solutions in dry stone walling, containing most of the tecniques that exist in the Mediterranean basin. This is due to its large diversity regarding soils, climate, altitude, landscapes, techniques and cultural heritage. Being aware of this value and its lack of study, the Social and Cultural Anthropology Laboratory (LASC) of the University of Almería (UAL) began in 2017 a fieldwork research to interview the last bearers and practitioners of the dry stone walling technique and survey these constructions, which importance raises with its appointment as Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO (2018). The aim of this work is to generate a needful document, showing the discoveries performed in this province which will allow to deal with this heritage, analyzing, recording and cataloging its typologies and offering additional information regarding the specific technique used, positions, context and images. a0214-7564