01494nas a2200133 4500000000100000008004100001260007700042100001800119245013300137856006200270300001400332520099200346020002201338 2020 d c2020///bValencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 20201 aItziar Equiza00aAnálisis de la participación de las mujeres en el Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial: procesos de incorporación y visibilización uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=8122464 a521-525, 3 aThis article presents the result of the analysis of women's claims regarding their incorporation into the visible and public part of the intangible manifestations of traditional Spanish culture. This study had as concrete objectives the theoretical approach to the Intangible Cultural Heritage from a gender perspective, the study of the representation of women in intangible items declared BIC in the Spanish State and the analysis of the division of functions determined by gender in Intangible cultural manifestations of different fields: rituals, festive manifestations and productive activities. In addition, a specific investigation of several intangible cultural manifestations was carried out, with examples of incorporation of women in a varied way: natural evolution, conflicts in the process of incorporation and follow-up of claims in process, and concluded with a proposal of good practices for the incorporation of women into the public sphere of intangible cultural items. a978-84-9048-826-3