01014nas a2200133 4500000000100000008004100001260001200042100001700054245010100071300001200172490000600184520067600190020001400866 2015 d c2015///1 aDusan Klapko00aAnalysis of National and Cultural Identity Educational Programmes with Examples of Good Practice a72-90, 0 v73 aIn this paper we draw on the previous presentation in which we introduced the goals and theoretical foundations of the NAKI (National and Cultural Identity) educational programme. The main goal of NAKI was applied research and development whose results would contribute to creating a system of educational programmes focused on education about tangible and intangible cultural heritage including historical dwellings, cultural landscape and archaeological heritage. Using discourse analysis, we present the interpretation of the accounts of the participants of educational programmes which took place in buildings of the National Heritage Institute of the Czech Republic. a1803-6546