01020nas a2200133 4500000000100000008004100001260003100042100001800073245004900091250000600140300000800146520071000154020002200864 2012 d c2012///bEdições Colibri1 aElías Muñiz00aLa danza tradicional como lugar de encuentro a1 a37+3 aThe processional dance in the province of Valladolid (Spain) consists of a set of repertoires of oral tradition among which, no doubt, is notable the one of the town of Villafrades de Campos. The relationship that I established with the members of this community has kept me as one more element that contributes to the maintenance of its traditions for over 20 years. However, what is most striking is that dance itself is being the trigger for a mechanism of cohesion, which is opposed to the disintegration and, ultimately, the real demise of the town. Each summer, the process of diaspora is halted, stopping the population to spread to different industrial areas of Spain and other European countries. a978-989-689-242-5