01772nas a2200169 4500000000100000008004100001260001200042100002000054700001700074700002200091245012400113856006200237300001400299490000600313520126900319020001401588 2021 d c2021///1 aSandra Sánchez1 aOscar Flores1 aJohanna Martínez00aLa configuración de la indumentaria tradicional del pueblo de chibuleo desde la perspectiva de las nuevas generaciones uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=7728044 a188-209, 0 v83 aChibuleo research study, whose population is located in the province of Tungurahua, recognized as an indigenous people of Ecuador. Their social dynamics are related to the advent of recent realities proposed from contemporary generations and cultural interactions developed from miscegenation.The methodology has a qualitative and quantitative approach; A documentary analysis was carried out in order to determine formal aspects, meaning and function of traditional clothing, which allowed the instrument to conduct a field observation, with the application of a checklist, information that was collected with a sampling Stratified randomization, which allowed identifying the level of hybridization in the use of their clothing in young people, adults and the elderly, for both men and women. Under the descriptive method, it was evidenced that youth adopts other ways of using everyday attire either by mixing or completely replacing it, a phenomenon marked by the influence of migration, ephemeral fashions, work activities, the climate, among others. The cultural dynamism scenario invites the generation of strategies proposed by the new generations based on interconnections from the modern and the traditional, so that the cultural essence remains in time. a0719-4706