@article{735, author = {Nelson Daza and Maria Castro}, title = {Diagnosis of the documentation and patrimonial value of the information produced in the Green Film Festival of Barichara - Santander (Colombia): case study 2016 to 2018}, abstract = {The purpose of the investigation was to do a documentary diagnosis about the information produced in Barichara Green Film Festival, Santander (Colombia) in order to determine the current reality and patrimonial value. In this sense it recognizes the work of this Festival from the documentary organization respect to the material produced and it is understood as main reference in the collective memory in Barichara. Descriptive Case Study is the methodology, it supported by audiovisual documentary sources and some dynamics of the investigation in a Colombian town. A first achievement is the access to material produced in other past editions, it is renewed the information in the different topics for new editions. Other attainment is the contribution of the archival profession to the intangible cultural heritage since it helps to conformation of news information units (repositories, documentation centers, libraries, museums, among other) and this way it is determined the basic guidelines for the next editions.}, year = {2021}, journal = {Metodos de informaciĆ³n}, volume = {12}, number = {23}, pages = {21-42}, issn = {1134-2838}, doi = {10.5557/IIMEI12-N23-021042}, }