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Changing the Role and method of transmission of Folk Songs in Paltan-myeon, Hwaseong-si 2020 Kim jung
Changing Spaces in Historical Places 2020 N. Wise, T. Jimura
Changing interpretations of the Gallen-Kallela Museum s Africa collection 2020 J. Turunen, M. Viita-Aho Historiallinen Aikakauskirja
Claiming heritage: the Manas epic between China and Kyrgyzstan 2020 Svetlana Jacquesson Central Asian Survey
Character Design of Somatic Game from Perspective of Intangible Heritage Digital Protection 2020 Z. Yingfang, Q. Ding, D. Shen
Characteristics of Affect on Sinmyeong and Limited Affect on Nong-ak in Contemporary Era - Focusing on Nong-ak Designated for Intangible Cultural Heritage - 2020 Kwon Young Culture and Convergence
Chinese Perceptions of Overseas Cultural Heritage: Emotive Existential Authenticity, Exoticism and Experiential Tourism 2020 Andrew Manley, Michael Silk, Carol Chung, Yi-Wen Wang, Rebecca Bailey Leisure Sciences
Cod, a symbolic marker of Portuguese food identity: A look at the Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro territory [Bacalhau, um marcador simbólico da identidade alimentar portuguesa: Um olhar sobre o território de Trás-Os-Montes e alto douro] 2020 J. Salvado, V. Joukes Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais
Co-Design of a Playful Mixed Reality Installation: An Interactive Crane in the Museum of Marble Crafts 2020 Spyros Vosinakis, Vasiliki Nikolakopoulou, Modestos Stavrakis, Labros Fragkedis, Pavlos Chatzigrigoriou, Panayiotis Koutsabasis Heritage
Coexistence with Gap of Korean Shamanism and Intangible Cultural Property Policy 2020 Kim Kun Korean Journal of Intangible Heritage