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Elementurik ez
Título Año de publicación Sort ascending Autor/a Revista / Editorial
A model for generating tourist itineraries 2010 P. Di Bitonto, F. Di Tria, M. Laterza, T. Roselli, V. Rossano, F. Tangorra
A lenda de Montelongo: A zarzuela galega como manifestación cultural multidisciplinar 2010 Javier Jurado Luque
A study on an offer of specialties and design identity for activating the tourism of Busan 2010 Kim Ilkwan A Treatise on The Plastic Media
A propósito del patrimonio inmaterial: una reflexión sobre la destreza de las mujeres de Túnez 2010 Nozha Sekik Quaderns de la Mediterrània = Cuadernos del Mediterráneo
A study on the intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in the Central Eurasia - Focusing on the historical evolution and the preservation of Shashmaqom 2010 Kim Young Sool The Journal of Europe Culture Arts
A Study on the Dramatic Structure ofMasan Ogwangdae 2010 Jintae Park Journal of Korean Oral Literature
Buggering Around in the Backyard: Creating Attachment to Place through Archaeology and Material Culture 2010 Steve Brown Australian Archaeology
Between sacred and secular: heritage and the church in Italy 2010 J. Ryde
Agricultura, invención de un territorio y conservación “etnosférica” 2010 Fabio Gómez Sierra Cultura Científica
Build communication Protection platform of intangible cultural heritage Expand channel of Open access to shared information resources 2010 Wei Wang, Kun Hong