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Zafimaniry: l invention d une tribu. Art ethnique, patrimoine immatériel et tourisme dans une communauté de Madagascar 2013 Fabiola Mancinelli
A Study on the Yuanxiao Festival and Puppet Performance Nainiang-zhuan of Xiafang Village,Shouning Prefecture, Fujian Province. 2013 SooKyung Oh
A Survey of Transmission of Korean Traditional Folk Culture in Goryein Community of CIS -Focusing on Folk Culture of Goryein Kolkhoz in Tashkent Province of Uzebekistan- 2013 SangKyung An The Korean Journal of Slavic Studies
Acoustics of historic spaces as a form of intangible cultural heritage 2013 Pavol Brezina Antiquity
Acceptance and use of roadside crucifixes in oltenia and in a multiethnic context - Timoc and Vojvodina 2013 Gabriela Rusu-Pasarin
Aboriginal missions and post-contact maritime archaeology: A south Australian synthesis 2013 M. Fowler Journal of the Anthropological Society of South Australia
A multidisciplinary approach to 3D survey and reconstruction of historical buildings 2013 L. Micoli, G. Guidi, D. Angheleddu, M. Russo
A conceptual-KDD approach and its application to cultural heritage 2013 R. Stanley, H. Astudillo, V. Codocedo, A. Napoli
A community-based approach to heritage management from Ladakh, India 2013 T. Sharma
A Community Convention? An analysis of Free, Prior and Informed Consent given under the 2003 Convention 2013 Britta Rudolff, Susanne Raymond International Journal of Intangible Heritage