01297nas a2200121 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002100002700043245011800070856006200188520091100250022001401161 2015 d1 aFrances Vanegas Aburto00aConservando nuestro pasado: los sitios arqueológicos del municipio de Ciudad Sandino. Una experiencia de rescate uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=91134553 aGeneral Porpouse of this work is to créate awareness among people of Ciudad Sandino Municipality, about the importance of archaeological sites and cultural heritage. Ciudad Sandio is located on indigenous settlement, whose devises found are not widely known by inhabitants. This can be due to indifference, but also it occurred robbery predation of found items, which is a risk to archaeological heritage. Local and national authorities are making every effort for rescue and conservation of the pieces found. As a result exist a Museum, and work is doing to generate public policy so that inhabitants appropriates this cultural initiative. Work done by institutions and population response are part of this study. Another topic treated in this work is the relation between archaeological sites and nicarguan identity building.Keywords: archaeological sites, indigenous settlement, oral history, identity. a2412-2572