01115nas a2200145 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002100002000043245008700063856006200150300001200212490000700224520072400231022001400955 2014 d1 aAna Dosal Ellis00a¿Cómo pueden funcionar la cultura y el patrimonio como mecanismos de exclusión? uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=4564719 a137-1430 v123 aCulture, heritage and its use can be of great contribution to the progress of societies and reinforce the collective identity that a country wants to reflect, but often the exclusion of community members in developing these projects and commercial exploitation of heritage and historic sites can cause the modification or extinction of the same culture that wants to be highlighted. Such are the cases presented in this article about specific gentrification and exclusion situations related with the authenticity loss of the cultural values that want to be highlighted and sometimes forgetting that this culture and heritage have been created by the same communities and societies that in this cases are being excluded. a1695-7121