01988nas a2200157 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002100002000043700001900063245012000082856006200202300001200264490000600276520153400282022001401816 2019 d1 aPatricia Roncal1 aCinthy Requejo00aThe inmaterial culture of the región of cajamarca in the development of life experienced and tourist products Peru uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=7416028 a319-3620 v23 aThis research aims to recognize the Intangible Heritage of the Cajamarca Region in the provinces of Contumazá and Cutervo, in order to know some of the intangible expressions that have been maintained over time. The question asked: ¿What is the Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Cajamarca Region? The approach of the study is qualitative of Non-experimental design with a sample of 24 intangible resources and the participation of 12 local informants. The instruments used were observation card and in-depth interview. The main results showed the existence of two legends: “Coan y la Tantarica”, The Legend of Cerro Ilucán and El Cerro Chaparri, one story: The Magic Staff, in oral expressions: The Tales of Uncle Lino, in terms of patronal and religious festivities: The Patronal Festival in Honor of San Mateo, Holy Week, The Feast of Our Lady of the Assumption, the Patronal Feast in Honor of San Juan Bautista, in music and dance: Yaraví, dance “Los Chasquis”, the musical instrument: La Cajita Cutervina, likewise, three festivities of celebration and union were determined: The Festival of Chaccu, The Carnival of Cutervo and “La Minga”. Within the Non-Traditional handicrafts techniques are three important: the Palm Hat, Knits made in “Callua” and crochet, in popular beliefs there are two: “El Botaluto y el Landaruto”, and in gastronomy five main dishes stand out: “El caldo verde”, “La sopa teóloga”, honey with “quesillo”, the “Chicha de Jora” and the “sopa de fiambre”. a2659-3580