01538nas a2200145 4500000000100000008004100001260001200042100001900054245008200073856006200155300001200217490000600229520114300235020001401378 2016 d c2016///1 aJordi Pumarola00aAnálisis del trato del patrimonio filosófico en equipamientos patrimoniales uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=6852871 a55-77, 0 v63 aThe heritage centres dedicated to philosophy are a minority in the cultural tourism context, since the philosophical heritage, given its immateriality and its complexity, does not have a large tradition in being communicated through the exhibition context. This paper aims to ground the bases for a suitable highlighting of the philosophical heritage in heritage centres. With this ultimate goal, the article offers in the first place an analysis of the museographic resources used in philosophical exhibitions, in order to verify if the proposal of such centres is able to communicate the exhibition’s content in a didactic way to its visitors, and to confirm, thereby, the adequacy of the use that they make of such philosophical heritage. In the second place, using the results of that research and the theoretical frame of the didactic museography, the article presents a good practice manual for the conceptualization and development of cultural and touristic products based in such heritage, with the intention that it will contribute to the development of exhibitions able to emphasize the richness of the philosophical heritage. a2014-4458