01331nas a2200133 4500000000100000008004100001260001200042100001600054245010400070856006200174300000700236520094000243020001401183 2021 d c2021///1 aJordi Bravo00aL’ensenyament oficial de la música tradicional valenciana: una negligència política persistent uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/descarga/articulo/8464674.pdf a5+3 aTraditional Valencian music hasn’t received a fair treatment by the educational authorities in any moment throughout the history, not even today. It has remained incomprehensibly on the sidelines of the official Valencian educational system until well into the second decade of the twenty-first century, when few and shy initiatives have been admitted. Nowadays, some of them are in great danger of being truncated due to the lack of sensitivity of the Administration. In the text, that comes from a communication in the XVII Jornades Avamus de Musicologia, there is a detailed report about that lack of consideration, after presenting evidences of the rigour absence in some «scholars» that doesn’t help in the comprehension of this music at all, and after putting on the record the abuse that the Valencian traditional musical patrimony has suffered at the hands of the Valencian politics in approximately the two last decades. a1989-8851