@article{581, author = {Maria Gabriel and Luciane Santos}, title = {Imagination, memories and tastes in Bau de ossos}, abstract = {Regarding tangible and intangible cultural heritage. alimentation integrates the field of literature and the realms of collective and individual memory. Starting from this premise, this study aims to present the issue of food as a specific theme in the memoirs of Brazilian writer Pedro da Silva Nava. Its purpose is to establish a multidisciplinary approach on the theme of food in Bati de ossos (1972), in accordance with considerations of Gilberto Frey re, Luis da Camara Cascudo and Severine Mathieu. The analysis shows that the theme of food integrates the reflections of Pedro Nava on the role of imagination and memory in the literary composition of his memoirs.}, year = {2019}, journal = {Eixo e a Roda-Revista de Literatura Brasileira}, volume = {28}, number = {2}, pages = {75-96}, month = {jun}, issn = {0102-4809}, doi = {10.17851/2358-9787.28.2.75-96}, }