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A Review on the Malaysian and Indonesian Batik Production, Challenges, and Innovations in the 21st Century 2021 Sharifah Syed Shaharuddin, Maryam Shamsuddin, Mohd Drahman, Zaimah Hasan, Nurul Mohd Asri, Ahmad Nordin, Norhashimah Shaffiar Sage Open
A model of competitiveness in intangible cultural heritage tourism destinations from the knowledge-based view 2021 Desiderio Garcia-Almedia, William Gartner Acta Turística
A methodological examination of multidisciplinary research of mak yong theatre: Text, heritage, and performance pemeriksaan metodologis atas pendekatan multidisipliner dalam kajian tentang teater Mak Yong: Teks, warisan budaya, Dan Pertunjukan 2021 A. Darmawan SPAFA Journal
A Meaning-Aware Cultural Tourism Intelligent Navigation System Based on Anticipatory Calculation 2021 Lei Meng, Yuan Liu Frontiers in Psychology
A long-standing tradition: The Holy Week and Easter in Tunja 2021 Abel Martinez Martin, Andres Otalora Cascante Historia y espacio
A importancia do patrimonio cultural inmaterial nas xornadas interxeracionais de Cabreiros 2021 Antonio Reigosa Carreiras, Laura Cabarcos Camba, Elena Pena Basanta, Manuela Vilaboy Romero, María Carballo Pena, Adolfo Cabarcos Saavedra, Noelia Poupariña Piñeiro
A Folk Dance in Alawi Turkmens: The Case of "Canimen" From Kalecik Region of Ankara 2021 Hayati Besirli, Emel Ekiyor Milli Folklor
A Study on Black Line Decoration Appeared in East Traditional Clothing 2021 Juhee Kim, Hyunzin Ko Journal of Fashion Design
A New Approach to the Documentation of Intangible Cultural Heritage -Focusing on the Solo Instrumental Music- 2021 Lee Yong-Shik Korean Journal of Intangible Heritage
A Study on Song Bok-san s Taepyeongso music of “KKokdugaksi Nori(Puppet show)” of Namsadangnori(recorded in 1964) 2021 Yoon Won, Park Eun-joo Journal of the Society for Korean Historico-Musicology